I love curling up with a cup of tea—even better if I have a variety of different kinds of tea on hand, because you never know if you’re going to feel like a rich black tea or a fruity green tea! That’s one great reason to sign up for the Tea of the Month Club, which delivers new kinds of tea to your door every month. You’ll love the variety! And if you’re still on the fence about keeping tea around, here are some creative uses for your tea that you might not have thought of:


Scenting and Deodorizing


Tea is great at getting rid of bad odors. Put some tea bags in your refrigerator instead of baking soda to get rid of smells, or rinse your hands with tea to get rid of fishy smells. You can also make potpourri or air fresheners from tea!




Fill a glass vase with tea leaves and flowers for creative décor. You can also use tea to dye anything from hair to Easter eggs, or to create your own artwork!




Tea leaves can also help you clean carpets, furniture, and glass. Crazy, right? Sprinkle dry green tea leaves on the carpet or polish furniture with a damp teabag.




Tea works as a great fertilizer. Use it to create a compost pile or add your teabags to potted plants. You can even use tea to water plants every so often to make the soil rich!




Tea can add great flavor to soup broth or sauces. You can also use it to tenderize meat and to season everything from rice to cookies!


There are a lot of fun things you can do with extra tea… but of course, the best thing to do is to drink it!