We’re all getting a special gift this year that I want to spend a moment of gratitude on: a whole extra day at the end of February.


That’s right—this is a Leap Year, so February gets its mysterious 29th day so that we can keep our calendar on track, and that means a bonus 24 hours for everyone!


We always want more time, so obviously the gift of time is a valuable one. But why don’t we celebrate Leap Day like we do other holidays? I think for the most part we treat it as one more piece of the daily grind, but think about it this way: it’s an extra day that wasn’t there last year, a freebie, an anything-goes day.


So what do we do with it? I think we should try to make the most of it… who’s with me?


For starters, we can use the extra day to finish tasks we’ve been putting off all month—hey, you’ve got one more day before March, so that means you can still accomplish all of your goals for February! Finishing those things that have been bogging you down all month is a great way to start the new month fresh with a clean slate of productivity.


Or you could always take the opposite approach… instead of getting things done, just relax and have fun! Make it a blow-off day. You know you deserve it. Since it’s an extra day we don’t normally have, all bets are off. Use it to recharge or, dare I say it, even get a little crazy!


Try something you’ve never tried before, whether it’s an exotic cuisine you’ve always been wary of (you know, a lot of cultures eat bugs) or an activity that’s always scared you (bungee jumping?).


Either way, I think we should all try to take one minute out of the bonus 1,440 minutes that we get this month to be grateful for a bit of extra time—no matter how you use it!