There’s nothing like cracking open a cold one after a long day, and I’m sure many Americans agree! That’s why the third week of May is American Craft Beer Week when we celebrate a drink that has been enjoyed throughout human history. But how well do you know your beer? Here are some things you may not have known…

1. Beer commercials are everywhere, but guess what? They’ve been around for longer than you think… The oldest beer advertisement was found on a clay tablet from—get this—4,000 BC!

2. Want to get technical? A beer enthusiast is called a Cerevisaphile. The word is derived from Ceres, who was the Roman goddess of agriculture who also represented strength. Since it’s from Latin, it’s no surprise that it brings to mind the Spanish word for beer, “cerveza.”

3. Will work for beer: the Egyptian workers who built the pyramids were partially paid in beer.

4. Brown bottles help to keep the beer fresher than green bottles. Clear bottles don’t work because if too much sunlight gets in, the beer will smell and taste skunky—literally, like a skunk. Nowadays, though, even clear bottles can be coated with UV protection because no one wants their beer to go bad!

5. Obama is the first president to brew his own beer. In fact, the White House now has its own brew because of him: White House Honey Ale.

You don’t have to be a beer expert to enjoy it, though—so go grab your favorite brew and take a load off for American Craft Beer Week!