With everything you hear about creating a “work-life balance,” it can seem like work and home are two parts of your identity that should never intersect. But I think we can celebrate family life even at work, since it’s such an important part of we who are. Just think of your coworkers: they may be sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, mothers, and fathers—and recognizing this aspect of their lives can make them feel like they’re more than just another cog in the machine.


And yet many times mothers and fathers are not celebrated in the office for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. But doesn’t it make sense to honor them for these important roles at the place that probably competes the most for their parenting time?


Office celebrations help morale, too, so even for employees who are not fathers, it can be a great idea to celebrate parents in the workplace on these holidays. Here are some ideas:


  • Recognize their hard work. A little recognition can go a long way in making your team feel valued. Even something as simple as a personal card is a great way to recognize the many roles they play in their own and others’ lives.
  • Plan a family picnic. There’s a good chance your employees have had to miss some time with their children for work, so giving them the chance to spend time with their family shows how much you appreciate them.
  • Give gifts! Gifts are the perfect way to show someone your appreciation. These can be tickets to something they can enjoy with their children, such as movie tickets or tickets to the zoo—or a dad care package of coffee, desserts, or anything else that will offer them a special and well-deserved treat.


Family life and work life are both important parts of our identities, so why don’t we celebrate both? Even if a coworker isn’t a father, maybe he is an uncle or a mentor and deserves recognition for the important role he plays. So be sure to wish him a Happy Father’s Day!