If you have a business trip coming up, another sort of out-of-town function to attend, or happen to need a break from your fur baby, ‘who you gonna call?’ (Most certainly not Ghostbusters, that’s for sure!)

Instead, we turn to our ever-so reliable and loving pet sitters. These caring, selfless individuals lend their time and helping hands to our pets so that they want for nothing while we are absent. In 1995, Pet Sitters International began the celebration of Professional Pet Sitters’ Week to give much deserved thanks to professional pet sitters for their hard work and dedication. This week, we also encourage the acknowledgment of the profession of pet sitting as a serious, valuable craft. Celebrate Professional Pet Sitters’ Week by showing your pet sitter some appreciation with a few sweet sentiments. If you don’t have a pet, use this week to educate a client who does. Send a few informative facts along with our Mon Petit Cheri Gift Box today!