peanut lovers

Prepare for an ode to one of America’s most loved nuts – today is National Peanut Lovers Day. (Health fanatics rejoice as you enjoy its host of benefits!) Not only are they a delicious, snackable treasure, but with 7 grams of protein they have more than any of their nutty counterparts. Nourishing enough to be a Superfood, peanuts are loaded with over 30 essential vitamins and nutrients. They are wonderful for heart health, provide fiber with each serving, and are composed of mainly good fats. What better time to celebrate this holiday than during the month of March, National Peanut Month? (Not to mention that both Peanut Butter Lover’s Day and Peanut Cluster Day were also fittingly a part of this month’s jubilee.) As the peanut works wonders for the body, appreciating those who are vital to the success of your endeavors is essential to your business. With gifts like our Broadway Gift Box, we make client appreciation easy for you.