The holidays are the perfect time of year to thank everyone who helps your business run smoothly—and the best way to do that is with a gift! Not only does it promote a positive relationship, but a gift will ensure that your client keeps you in mind throughout the year. Here are some tips to make sure that both you and your clients get the most out of the gift-giving season this year. A gift geared toward the preferences of the recipient will mean so much more than something generic. This is especially important if your company has a relatively small amount of clients. Catering to what your client likes will make them feel special and appreciated.

Avoid Looking Cheap - Promotional items with your business’s logo may seem like obvious gift ideas, but these are usually cheap, impersonal, and may leave your client with a bad impression! Something personalized or sincere is always a better idea. Knowing the expected price range of corporate gifts can divert potential awkwardness during the holidays. Luckily, you can find great gifts in a wide variety of prices, from inexpensive a la carte items, to mid-range gifts, to high-end luxury gift boxes filled with goodies!

Be Conscious of Client’s Beliefs - Though it is undoubtedly the holiday season, and gifting is in the air, be aware that not everyone celebrates Christmas! For instance, if your client celebrates Hanukkah, then you should find an appropriate gift respecting his or her beliefs. If you’re not sure what holiday your client celebrates, then it’s always a safe bet to give a gift celebrating the New Year, and another year successfully concluded! The holidays are a wonderful time, full of giving, thanks, and joy. Be sure to spread the positivity to everyone who plays a part in your business’s success this holiday season!