Cheers to New Year’s Eve
30 Dec, 21
We have finally reached the end of 2021! Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, and we are ready to receive all that the new year has to offer. Also referred to as “Old Year’s Day” or “Saint Sylvester’s Day,” this holiday is all about ousting the old and embracing the new. Some countries, like Japan, even celebrate the day as a federal holiday! Not only is this beloved evening about big, boisterous parties and grand celebrations, but it is also regarded as a day for reflection.
This New Year’s Eve, be sure to forgive others for mistakes they have made. Think about new habits you wish to incorporate in your daily living. Only 8% of people actually stick to those infamous New Year’s Resolutions, so set small goals that are attainable. Also, if you have a client in mind whose efforts led to a prosperous year, be sure to thank them with our Celebration Star Gift Box!
December 30, 2021
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| Tags: New Year's Eve, New Year's Resolution, gift ideas, Lucia's Thoughts