National Employee Appreciation Day is a great reminder that it’s important to show the people who work with you and for you that you appreciate their time and effort. It’s essential, however, to recognize and applaud employees year round.


People who feel appreciated at work are happier, more productive, and more likely to stay with their employers for the long term. This creates a positive company culture that’s full of optimism, confidence, and trust.


To continually give your employees the recognition they deserve, be fair and consistent, be specific, and keep in mind that everyone’s different. Rather than waiting until National Employee Appreciation Day, give a shoutout during every team meeting. Did someone have an excellent performance? Describe what exactly made that performance so great. And remember that while one person might like to be publicly acknowledged, another might prefer to have a private note slipped into their locker or put on their desk.  


A wonderful way to indicate appreciation is through a unique, thoughtful gift. Outwitting the Devil encourages your employees to achieve their full potential with a motivational book, compelling coffee, and handmade treats. It’s the perfect way to express appreciation and encouragement at any time of the year.