Ok, so normally we don’t buy into the April Fools tradition because people are generally extremely aware of the day.

With Easter landing square on April Fools this year you have been given a heavenly opportunity that has only happened 4 times since the year 1900.


So, what are your best options for wreaking maximum havoc at home or in the office?  


If you’re trying to prank your kids, try: Sour Grapes


Do your kids eagerly await the yearly egg hunt? This year peel all the foil off the chocolate eggs and use them to re-wrap grapes for hiding. Now sit back and wait for the sour faces.


If you’re trying to prank co-workers or significant other, try: The Sponge Cake


We’ve all made a special trip to the lunchroom when rumours of cake start circling the office. Here’s your best chance to prank everyone, grab some cheap sponges and icing, then simply build yourself a cake with the sponges using the icing to build the layers and as a final coat.


Just make sure to have something sweet waiting like our cloud 9 marshmallows after such a wicked Easter Fools burn.