Just because the sun is shining and the days are getting warmer doesn’t mean you have to wait until the cold weather comes back to drink your favorite tea – that’s taboo.

Besides being delicious, here’s a couple of reasons why drinking tea in the summer is actually a good thing.

Myth or fact: Will drinking hot tea in the scorching heat cool you down? Actually, it’s a proven fact, but not everyone will enjoy this technique. Consuming hot beverages (such as tea and coffee) raises your core temperature, and triggers nerves in your mouth and digestive tract, which stimulates the brain to produce more sweat.

As the sweat evaporates, it will effectively cool you down.

What about seasonal allergy sufferers? Many teas such as Peppermint, Stinging Nettle, and Rooibos can help relieve symptoms of itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose.

However, for those of you that don’t suffer from allergies or particularly care to get extra sweaty in the sweltering summer heat we say brew your favorite teas, and put them in a mason jar in your fridge to cool down for later. Iced-tea is still tea.

*Bonus points for getting creative and throwing fresh fruit in to infuse flavors!