It’s that simple, all it takes is 5 minutes. We’re not promising rock hard abs, or financial freedom just a way to live a physically and emotionally better life.

You can express gratitude however you choose, but spending just 5 minutes a day writing in a gratitude journal adds surprising benefits to your life.

Gratitude makes us happier, makes us healthier, and makes people like us more, but that’s obvious. What you probably didn’t know is that it can also boost your career, increase your energy levels, and improve your decision making.

How do you start practicing gratitude?

Notice the good in the world, smile more, start writing down the good things about your day in your new gratitude journal. It’s easy and you will start seeing the benefits in no time. 

Remember this doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming, start with a smile, 5 minutes of writing a day, and never forget to recognize a job well done!