Apparently, it’s true that drinking hot tea actually cools you down in the summer, but that just seems like a bunch of science who-ha. If it doesn’t feel like a wave of ice cold refreshingness hitting you directly in the mouth, we’re not interested.


So here are the 3 best ways we know to stay cool with your favorite tea in the summer.


 Ice it.


Pretty plain and simple, but if you didn’t know it yet you can brew your favorite tea at home and pour it over ice or bottle it and pop it in the fridge. Add a little sugar, honey, or fruit to sweeten or enjoy as is.


Mix it.


Why not combine your favorite tea with your favorite libation? Cold tea makes an incredible base to mix into a boozy punch or to make your own refreshing summer concoctions.


Freeze it.


There are actually two ways to go here as a small bonus. Pour something bold and fruity into a popsicle mold and freeze them for a zero-calorie snack. Or go the full-fat way by brewing something sweet and delicious and make it into ice cream!