We’ve all seen it happen in TV shows and movies, some poor sucker leaves his/her lunch in the lunch room fridge at the start of the day, only to come back to nothing at lunch.


Does this actually happen?


Is there someone out there that actually needs a slap in the back of the head to remind them to leave other people’s lunches alone?


Let’s break down the simple rules of the lunch room fridge, shall we:


  1. If it’s not yours leave it alone.
  2. If you don’t remember or you’re not sure if it’s yours, it’s not yours.


There we have it, the simple rules of the office fridge. This could also be summed up as “don’t be stupid.”


If you’re looking to share somebodies lunch or snacks, buy them a Gift Box. These are generally full of all different types of wonderful treats. And if you’re kind enough to be this giving with a co-worker they will probably reciprocate, so there is no need to steal lunches.