For some, vacation means getting away from the daily stress, kicking back on a beach somewhere on an island with a tropical flair, and having pina colada after pina colada delivered to you on an ocean side lounge.

For the rest of us, vacation means sitting down with the family to argue about where you should go and what you should do. Making sure the kids are packed into the minivan for the 5-hour road trip ahead, and pray, O’lord pray, we don’t make 15 pee stops.

Why not just stay? Staycations provide all the relaxation of a vacation and none of the travel or steep prices.

Staycations are catching on across the country with people who are sick of planning vacations. With a little bit of creativity, you can turn your home (or hometown) into an exciting get away.

Turn your backyard into a camp ground! Pull out the tent, set up a small fire pit, fire up some s’mores, and enjoy the outdoors in your backyard. No fire pit? No problem, we have a no fire pit solution to the classic s’more.

Not the outdoorsy type? Go shopping, visit a museum, catch a movie, the trick is to get creative!