If you want to get ahead and be successful in the workplace, then there’s someone you should be impressing every day, your boss!  This attitude not only benefits you, but it can also make your boss’s life easier.  If you have a great boss, let them know how much you appreciate them for Boss’s Day which will be coming up on October 16th by going above and beyond.


Get to Work Early

Studies have shown that those who wake up early have better job performance and higher wages.  Getting to the office early signals to your boss that you are eager to come to work.  Compare the worker who arrives at 08:45 to the one who arrives at 09:00 on the dot.  It’s clear to the boss that the first employee is excited to come tackle the day’s goals, and it only adds fifteen minutes to your workday.


Maintain a Clean Work Space

You may think your work space only matters to you, but having the right work environment can give your boss a certain impression.  A messy and chaotic work space may show your boss that you have poor organization skills or you can’t get through the day’s tasks.  Take a few minutes at the end of each day to reorganize your papers so that you can come in to a neat area the next morning.


Take Initiative

Don’t wait for your boss to tell you what to do.  If you see something that needs to get done or a new project that interests you, go for it!  Taking risks and being proactive shows your boss that you are driven and not just another worker passively accepting the day’s tasks with minimal effort.


Take Responsibility for Mistakes

No one likes making mistakes, and they like admitting mistakes even less.  You may be hesitant to admit a mistake to your boss, but if you can admit to your mistakes, then you show your boss that you are the kind of person who takes responsibility for their actions.  But don’t just admit your mistake; come up with a solution!  This shows you’re an active problem-solver.