Looking for unique ways to thank a coworker or show appreciation for someone’s help? These are three great ways to express gratitude toward the people in your life.


Pay It Forward

It feels amazing when someone acknowledges and appreciates you. You can pay this forward and make someone else feel the same way. Was your coffee paid for by the person in front of you? Show thanks by purchasing a coffee for someone behind you. This can start a chain of gratitude.  


A Useful Gift

The impact of a thoughtful and useful gift shouldn’t be underestimated. By understanding someone’s interests and personalizing your gesture, you can give a gift that has a lot of power behind it. Do they garden? Seeds support their hobby. Do they love tea? A stainless steel tea infuser will add to their enjoyment.


Colorful Flowers or Plants

A colorful plant that’s easy to care for will brighten someone’s day. Many people enjoy this addition to their desk or for their home. If they don’t exactly have a green thumb, ferns, aloe, and lavender are all resilient plants that make great gifts.