22 Jul, 14
2 Ways to Connect with Important People
Connecting with others while running a business or keeping up with a high volume workload can be a challenge but it is simpler than you may think. Here are two ways to get you closer to connecting to the important people who you encounter in business.
Use tact – With everything, there needs to be balance and being tactful is actually kind of a tricky one for some. Being tactful is about striking a balance between being a person that tells everyone what they want to hear and being a person who is a little too blunt. Striking a balance with honesty and tact can be refreshing and it is something that both the powerful and the humble appreciate. Sometimes it starts with simply NOT saying something at just the right time.
Show appreciation – Gratitude is definitely one of those traits that interweaves in many aspects of life and connecting to others is a huge benefit of showing gratitude. Showing appreciation instills to the other person that you value them, their time, and their input. For the client it is a way to say thank you that really makes an impression. Not many show gratitude these days, and it is always refreshing to see it in the context of business. This type of gratitude really builds a person up with good standing in their own community, too.
Let us know how we can help you build a good standing within your circle of influence – we’d love to hear from you.
July 21, 2014
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