Human beings are amazing! Our minds and bodies are connected in ways we’re only just discovering. Studies have shown how a positive mental outlook can have an effect on physical wellness, and vice versa. As more research is conducted on the powerful ties between mental and physical wellbeing, one definite conclusion has been reached: happy people live longer.   A new study by researchers from Princeton University, Stony Brook University, and University College London went deeper into this idea. Happiness, after all, can mean many things. What specific kind of happiness leads to longevity?   The study reports that those who feel their life has meaning may live longer than those who do not. Their data shows that people with a greater sense of purpose in their lives generally live about two years longer than people with a lower level of this type of wellbeing.   During our daily struggles, we may become wrapped up in the minutiae of day-to-day stressors of work and home, and find it only too easy to forget about the bigger picture of our lives. But taking a step back to find a reason for being is essential to living a long and well-balanced life.   Similar studies have also determined that emotions such as forgiveness and gratitude can lead to better overall health. So this Thanksgiving, take the opportunity to reflect on what is meaningful to you and to appreciate those around you. Who knows—you may end up happier, healthier, and living longer because of it!