pet poison awarenessWhile thousands of precious lives have been saved by child-resistant packaging and poison control awareness campaigns, the dedicated veterinarians at the Pet Poison Helpline continue to work for the effective prevention of avoidable fatalities for our beloved animal companions. Most pet owners are cautious about cleaning products, but did you know that there are everyday items that are hazardous when ingested by our fur babies? As we celebrate National Animal Poison Prevention Week, here are a few common household items that could cause harm to pets:

  • Flowers: Some type of lilies can cause kidney failure when its pedals or leaves are ingested by cats.
  • Chocolate: Can cause vomiting, seizures, and even death.
  • Xylitol: Often found in sugarless gums
  • Human Meds: NSAIDs and acetaminophen can cause red blood cell damage, liver failure, and stomach ulcers

Educate your favorite pet loving client with a few facts and send over The Classic Gift Box to truly make a statement.