Super Hero DayAs children, we often thought of our superheroes as the famous, brazen characters who graced our big screens. We cheered as Batman rushed through Gotham City in the Batmobile. We cried when Superman was overcome by kryptonite. We rejoiced as Spiderman entangled villain after villain with his web shots. Now as adults, our favorite superheroes often take on a much more realistic form. Our superheroes protect us and ensure our livelihood remains intact. From mentors and teachers, to military members and firefighters, these trusted individuals mean so much to us. From a business standpoint, our superheroes range from our hard-working personnel, to our reliable clients. Can you imagine what the state of your business would be without the right people supporting your endeavors? Today for National Superhero Day, consider showing gratitude to your clients. Encourage them to continue saving the day by sending Le Petit Recipient, Merci right to their doorstep.