The Classic Oatmeal Cookie- A soft, chewy, decadent round of yummy goodness dancing with flavors of cinnamon and vanilla. 

Since the 1800s, we have enjoyed this nutritious dessert-time favorite. Not only are oatmeal cookies filled with fiber and iron, but they also work to lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, and reduce your risk of cancer! 

What makes this incredible cookie even better? Raisins of course! These tiny sundried grapes make a lovely addition to the seemingly perfect cookie. Tomorrow for National Oatmeal Cookie Day, and National Raisin Day as well, we encourage you to work on your client appreciation as you enjoy a fresh oatmeal cookie. Strive to know your favorite client so well that they wonder just how they did business before you! Become the “raisin to their oatmeal cookie.” Allow us here at Lucia&Co. to help you perfect your client appreciation tactics with our delicious gourmet goodies and helpful business tips!