Though usually plain and simple, those homemade, carefully packaged lunches seem to be more satisfying for the soul on a long day! Perhaps it is the hint of nostalgia we feel as we crinkle those brown paper bags. Maybe we are reminded of the love and reassurance used to prepare each lunch delightfully embedded in our childhood memories. Today for ‘Brown Bag It’ Thursday, we encourage you to discard the frills of expensive takeout options and enjoy your lunchtime cuisine the old-fashioned way – brown paper bag style! Also, remember that when it comes to client appreciation tactics, thinking of a simple way to say ‘thank you’ goes a long way. Rather than wasting funds overpriced novelties, consider sending a few irresistible gourmet goodies their way. (Hint, hint – Memorial Day is right around the corner!) Our Merci, Merci, Merci! Gift Box will leave them overflowing with gratitude!