Because the holidays are quickly approaching, I have a question I’d like to pose to you. When you’re planning to purchase a Christmas gift box, or any gift for that matter, do you feel a warm sense of generosity or a dreaded sense of obligation? If you answered with the latter, it might be time to adjust your gift-giving strategy. 


Gift-giving is meant to be a sign of good will and appreciation, whereas receiving a gift is intended to inspire feelings of connection and special meaning. So with all due respect, I promise you nobody wants to receive your obligation. And it’s very likely that if it’s given from that motivation, the receiver will be able to tell. 


Ever had the experience of opening a gift from someone and knowing instantly that it’s a re-gift? This is the unfortunate cycle of gifting out of obligation. Consider instead, this novel approach, and select a gift that’s exciting to you. If you gift with enthusiasm, they will feel it and appreciate your efforts far more than that matching plate set your aunt gave you last Christmas.