“Some people will tell you there is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Emerson, like other famous writers, was an avid tea drinker; after all, it’s hard to beat an afternoon spent curled up with a cup of tea and a good book. In fact, tea is one of the world’s most popular drinks, second only to water. What is it about tea that makes it such a superior drink? Here are a few reasons why tea is favored by creative people everywhere. Tea promotes brain health and mental acuity. One of the many health benefits of tea includes the prevention of neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Green tea, in particular, has polyphenols that support learning and memory. Drinking tea won’t make you smarter—but it may help you maintain your sharp mind!

Tea has the perfect caffeine content for creative production. With less caffeine than coffee, tea won’t produce an over-stimulating effect, and it won’t cause a crash after a few hours. The smaller amount of caffeine is just enough to improve focus and creative problem solving. It can even enhance your mood! Another great thing about tea is that, despite its caffeine, it still produces a hydrating effect, which can make you feel good. Tea encourages the “creative pause.” Creativity expert Edward de Bono proposed the idea of the “creative pause.” A small distraction of motor skills (like reaching for a mug and sipping) actually makes you more in tune with subconscious ideas, spurring creativity. That makes drinking tea a perfect complement to creative activity!

With all of these creative benefits, it’s no wonder tea is the preferred drink among writers, artists, and other creative types. A gift of tea is the perfect way to share your admiration for a client or co-worker—and to encourage their creative thinking!