Most of us have grown up drinking name brand coffee in bulk. It’s quick, it’s easy, and do you really know the difference? But, coffee culture has changed and people are seeking out more flavor from the morning cup of joe.


Coffee connoisseurs can make this feel like a never-ending rabbit hole, but here’s what you need to know if you’re buying great coffee:


The Roast Level


This is pretty simple. Your roast level tells you how long and what temperature your coffee beans have been roasted. Just like the oven, the longer the roast, the smokier the flavor.


Whole Bean for The Win


Buying whole bean is where it’s at. Grinding the bean at home just before you make a fresh pot will yield the highest quality coffee.


Check the Roast Date


This date marks when the coffee bean was roasted and the closer you get to this date the fresher and more flavorful your coffee will be. Chances are that bulk name brand coffee has been sitting for months and has been dusted off once or twice.




This is important because just about every known element is out to ruin your coffee. Air, light, heat, and moisture are all bad for coffee so look for tightly sealed packages. When you finally open your coffee up make sure to reseal that bag as tightly as possibly, or put it in an air tight container.