When choosing a worthy establishment for relaxation and a satisfying meal, we often buy into the customer service just as much as the menu. (In some cases, the superb service and inviting ambience both captivate us more than the food!) A successful restaurant admirably runs like a well-oiled machine, each component working together seamlessly to produce an amazing, memorable finished product. From waitress and waiters, responsible for the first impression and conveying the needs of the customer, to chefs, carefully crafting each dish with concentration and love, to the dishwasher, eliminating a great deal of kitchen chaos behind the scenes, food service workers are often unappreciated for their impeccable service and loyalty. Tomorrow marks the celebration of National Food Service Workers’ Day, and we must remember to show people who “make the world go ‘round” that they are cherished and valuable. Participate by thanking a hard-working client with our Merci, Merci, Merci! Gift Box today!