Our Blogs
Peanut Buttery Goodness
21 Jan, 20
This Friday is National Peanut Butter day!
There are three men credited with the creation of this lovely concoction: Marcellus Gilmore Edson, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, and Dr. Ambrose Straub. However, peanut butter has actually existed, in its original form, since the Ancient Incas and Aztecs. Traditionally, they would roast the nuts and then crush them into a paste. Yum!
Nowadays, peanut butter comes in many forms. You can have it chunky, creamy, mixed with different flavors- the options are nearly endless.
Here’s a fun fact: The world's largest peanut butter and jelly sandwich was made in Grand Saline, Texas and, weighed 1,342 pounds. That’s a mouthful! If you’re looking for a more modest combination, I’ve got a few ideas to help you liven up your treat.
Here are some of my favorite peanut butter combos:
Pancakes or Waffles
For a triple threat treat, you can purchase our black and white pretzels to dip in your peanut butter for the ultimate decadent dessert. Enjoy!
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The Best Time to Send Corporate Gifts
14 Jan, 20
One of the questions I frequently get about corporate gifting is, “what are some good times to give client gifts,” particularly when my clients have missed the Christmas/New Year’s window. If that’s you, don’t fret- there are plenty of other opportunities for you to consider.
For some businesses, a mass gift send once per year is just not realistic. If that’s the case for you, another option is to send a client gift box for the clients birthday or on the anniversary of when they started doing business with you.
If however, you like the idea of mass client gifting but either missed Christmas or don’t want to be like everyone else, I’ve got a really fun idea for you.
Ever heard of Christmas in June? Gifting mid-year is a great opportunity to show your clients you’re unique and different and catch them off guard.
Another option is to maybe consider Thanksgiving gifting. After all, it’s a great time to show your clients that you’re grateful for their business.
I hope you’ve found these suggestions helpful. Happy gifting!
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Resolve to Get Inspired
07 Jan, 20
Happy New Year! It’s 2020- can you believe it?
If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you probably know that I’m not crazy about New Year's resolutions. First, they’re a bit tacky, and worse, they’re charged with negativity around failing to achieve those goals.
So last year, we challenged you to consider the “un-resolution” instead. And this year, we’re going to follow it up with a new challenge: instead of a resolution about changing something on the outside (your weight, your habits, your finances) how about a small, repeatable effort to light you up on the inside? Instead of tearing yourself down, why not do something to build yourself up?
One easy way to do that is to buy an inspirational book and, if you’re not an avid reader, just commit to reading a chapter a week or a few pages a day and apply what you find useful to your daily life.
I’ll do you one better- how about an inspirational book and a treat for you to enjoy while reading? Here are some suggestions from us.
Let’s make it the best year yet!
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